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Why You Need To Reverse Engineer Your Facebook Ad Copy

Are your Facebook ads struggling?

Is it hard for you to come up with different advertising angles for your products or services?

In this article, I’m going to break down why you need to reverse engineer your ad copy, so you can become a better writer, which will lead to a stronger community, messaging that resonates, and more sales.

What Is Reverse Engineering?

Reverse engineering, also called back engineering, is the process by which a man-made object is deconstructed to reveal its designs, architecture, or to extract knowledge from the object; similar to scientific research, the only difference being that scientific research is about a natural phenomenon.” - Wikipedia

For the purpose of this article, reverse engineering is referring to how we can “extract knowledge” from our customers.

Now that we have the definition covered, let’s get to the source of the issue.

Why Facebook Advertising Copy Often Struggles

I have traveled to various parts of the world and have talked with hundreds of people online about their Facebook advertising.

Writing copy is one of the main issues I see business owners struggle with when it comes to Facebook advertising.

Note: If you need a basic understanding of how to structure your ads for selling your e-commerce products, check out this article I wrote for Social Media Examiner.

Why do people struggle with writing copy?

Most people I see are guessing when it comes to what sort of copy they should write.

They think they know who their avatars are and what their pain points are, but in reality, they don’t.

This is why you have to put time into researching how customers are talking about your products/services.

Pain Points + Solutions = Copy That Resonates = Sales

You need to know what specific pain points your products/services are solving.

For example, I once would go to a barbershop that was near my house... The business owner there advertised how cheap the haircuts were at his store.

The only problem was, that wasn’t the reason I was going to that barbershop.

See, I loved going to that store because I could get in and out of there very quickly.

The cuts weren’t top-notch, but I didn’t have to sit around and wait wasting time in his barbershop. I could be in and out of there in less than 30 minutes.

So if that business owner was designing new shop signs or running Facebook ads, I wouldn’t have responded to the fact that the haircuts were the cheapest around.

Instead, if that business owner was more in tune with their customers, they would know that most of them were busy professionals and just wanted a quick haircut between meetings or running errands.

This is what I see time and time again with Facebook advertising and copy.

Don’t be the business owner that doesn’t know why your customers are buying from you.

Speaking of knowing why customers buy…

Why Is User-generated Content Performing So Well In 2020?

Think of user-generated content now…

User-generated content, alternatively known as user-created content, is any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms such as social media. - Wikipedia

This type of content performs so well because it’s REAL people talking about their REAL pain points.

It takes the guessing game out of creative, which is perfect!

In order to write great copy, you MUST know how your customers think about your products and how your products solve their problems.

How To Reverse Engineer Facebook Ad Copy

I’ve recently broken down the EXACT methods I use to develop solid advertising copy that converts.

I've used these techniques to help brands generate millions of dollars in sales, with Return On Ad Spends as high as 19X!

This was the exact method I used to come up with an empowering campaign that got stolen and syndicated on over 600+ news stations all over the world.

Yeah, I wasn't too happy at the time haha but you can get a sense of just how powerful this method and knowledge is.

Using the guide, you’ll learn:

  1. How to find out how customers are thinking about your products.

  2. How to determine your customers’ interests.

  3. What your various customer avatars are.

  4. What your customers’ pain points are.

  5. How to determine what images and video you need for ads.

  6. How to translate all of that information into Facebook ad copy that converts.

  7. Plus, I'll show how to do this all step-by-step with real world examples!


❌ Quit guessing how your business helps people.

❌ Quit wasting money on advertising copy that doesn’t convert.

✅ Get started with the Ultimate Guide To Writing Ad Copy That Converts today.